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Kiwi is a brown, fuzzy, small fruit that packs a lot of flavor and plenty of health benefits. Its green flesh is sweet and tangy. Placed under the category of exotic fruits, kiwi often features as a topping in pavlovas or in fruit bowls, salads, and smoothies.

Box Size – 3 kg  (30 – 35 pieces)


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Kiwi is no ordinary fruit, both in terms of the way it looks as well as its nutritional content.

Exterior: Ellipsoid-shaped fruit, fairly larger than an egg and is plump with a thin “fuzzy” brown skin.

Interior: The flesh is bright emerald green with a small white center surrounded by rows of small, black, edible seeds.

Experience: Varies from sweet to tart.

nutritional value

  • Kiwifruit is bursting with vitamin C, almost two times more vitamin C than oranges! In fact, just 1 cup of kiwi provides about 273 percent of your daily recommended value.
  • Kiwifruit is high in fiber and loaded with antioxidants.
  • Kiwifruit is a natural source of folate. It is a good source of potassium too, a crucial mineral that helps maintain normal function of muscles and the nervous system.
  • Kiwi also contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure.

fun facts

  • Kiwifruit originates from China. This fruit was initially known as “Chinese Gooseberry”. New Zealanders renamed it into “kiwifruit” due to similarities in appearance with kiwi bird (it has rounded body covered with fuzzy brown plumage).
  • The fuzzy skin of the kiwifruit is edible and is actually nutritious.
  • Eating two kiwifruits an hour before bedtime will help you fall asleep quicker, sleep more soundly and feel better rested when you wake up in the morning.


  • Store kiwis on the counter to ripen them. Kiwi is one of those fruits that will continue to ripen after it’s harvested. Leave the unripe kiwi on the counter at room temperature, and they will ripen over the next three to seven days.
  • To ripen them faster, transfer the unripe kiwi in a paper bag, the bag traps the ethylene and ripens the fruit faster. Kiwi ripened in a bag will generally ripen twice as quickly as kiwi that’s left to ripen on the counter.
  • Transfer ripe kiwis to the refrigerator for longer storage. Once the Kiwis have finished ripening, place any leftovers into the refrigerator to preserve them. A ripe kiwi will only last on the counter for a couple of days but will keep in the refrigerator for one to two weeks.


Kiwi starts by the 1st week of October and lasts through the month