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Frontier Plum

Frontier Plum is a variety of blood plum that is sweet to eat. They are deep red to purple in color and there is no tartness in the skin. The plum is a heart shape with a lighter red-colored pulp. Frontier can be very sweet when picked ripe and is good for eating out of hand.

Box Size – 3 kg approx 

25 to 35 pieces per box

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We pick the plums only when completely ripe, yet firm enough to last the journey to your house.

Exterior: Brilliant red to deep purple-black.

Interior: Heart-shaped with a lighter red colored flesh.

Experience: Sweet and juicy without any tartness in the skin.

fun facts

  • Plums are the second most cultivated fruit in the world.
  • In Japan, February is the month for plums; there are plum blossoms everywhere.
  • Plum trees are grown on every continent except Antarctica.
  • The Chinese believe plums symbolize good fortune.


  • Store plums at room temperature to ripen, check frequently because they are extremely perishable.
  • A ripe fruit will yield when pressed gently.
  • To speed up the ripening process, place plums in a paper bag and store at room temperature, away from direct sunlight.
  • Storing ripe plums in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer will prolong their eating life — they should keep for 3 to 5 days.

nutritional value

  • Plums only have 46 calories per 100 g, contain no saturated fats and are full of minerals and vitamins.
  • Plums help increase the absorption of iron into the body, which may be due to the fact that they are a good source of vitamin C.
  • They are also a good source of vitamin K, copper, dietary fiber and potassium.
  • A medium fresh plum contains 113 mg of potassium that helps manage high blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.
  • Plums have a low glycaemic index so eating plums can help you control your blood sugar and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Frontier Plum starts by mid-June and lasts till the 1st week of July